Small London gardens simply improved
Thursday, 14 July 2016
by caroline
Here are some tiny London gardens that have been quickly improved and enhanced by simple use of good paving, raised beds, painted fencing, horizontal trellising. As you can see they are only just finished so in most cases have not even been planted. See the before and after shots in each case: Streatham garden design,
- Published in Gardens Designed, Gardens in Progress
Cobbles in a Clapham garden – how to grout the cobbles!! Who’d be a builder?!
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
by caroline
How to grout the cobbles! This is a totally back breaking job even for the most energetic, strong, resilient builder. Bending over, scraping down in minute detail, brushing out old detritus, adding in new, then forcing into spaces with small tool and then brushing over – then repeating the excercise! I have to take my
- Published in Del the Townscapes builder, Gardens in Progress
Choose a good landscape contractor
Sunday, 02 November 2014
by caroline
I am a garden designer and more to the point I am a very lucky garden designer as I am married to a very good landscape contractor, Peter Garland of Townscapes Landscape contractors Why is this particularly lucky? 10 good reasons: It doesn’t matter how clever and detailed your garden design is, if you
- Published in Gardens in Progress
How wrong can a London garden designer be? My Balham client knew best!
Wednesday, 08 October 2014
by caroline
Cladding How wrong can a designer be?! My Balham client knew best! The original retaining wall in this sloping garden was nearer to the house (the owners having built out into the garden for a big kitchen extension) and so to create a patio area we had to push back the garden quite considerably behind
- Published in Gardens Designed, Gardens in Progress
Burntwood Lane, Wandsworth – work very much in progress
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
by caroline
This garden is now complete, see the finished garden here » It’s amazing how it’s possible to make a small difficult shaped area into a delightful entertaining space! We’re working on this at the moment. What was a small triangular “yard” behind a new extension has now been transformed (unfinished) into a welcoming, seemingly larger,
- Published in Gardens in Progress
Clapham garden, work in progress. My astroturf garden! Designed by Caroline Garland
Saturday, 26 October 2013
by caroline
This garden is now complete, see the finished garden here » This was the state of the garden as we found it. It was a tiny garden at the back of a beautiful new development. The fence to the left was sitting on a wall and on the other side was the public pavement. The
- Published in Gardens Designed, Gardens in Progress