Columbine Hall is enchanting. “An ancient moated manor house of beauty standing straight out of the moat” and “Islanded by its moat in time as well as place, Columbine Hall’s garden conveys a strong sense of history as well as poetry” and “Surrounded by rich green meadows and old trees… a moated manor house… which has preserved an atmosphere of indefinable timelessness”. These quotes ring true the second you step into this peaceful, graceful and UNmanicured garden! The garden has had various influences over the years but more recently George Carter, the brilliant garden designer, has made his very distinguishable marks – you will see these in the hornbeam hedges, bridges, gates and vistas – you are compelled to walk through Cow Parsley waist high on mown grass paths, round yet another corner to enter theatrical “rooms” walled with hornbeam and his clever use of hawthorn – fantastic!